Thursday, April 23, 2009

New Mornings

My days used to start like this: Beeeep!!! Shmuttle Shmuttle murmer grumble (goes the alarm clock and the radio alarm tuned to NPR). Stretch, a weekday...ANYTHING but a weekday-maybe I forgot to turn off the alarm and it's really Saturday...wait...that's the morning stock report...crap I'm so late! Now my days start the following way: Streeetc-OW! oww oOW!! Yaaaawn-cough splutter-"What!?! IS THAT IN MY MOUTH!!! WHY DO I HURT!?!?!!" and the eventual realization that my mouth isn't under attack from some giant glob of dried glue but instead am biting down on my new mouth guard assigned to arrest the nightly attempts at grinding my teeth to pulp. Then grudgingly allowing that I most likely wasn't beaten in the night by some strong guy with a large stick, but in fact am ridiculously sore from whatever small task I foolishly thought I was in good enough shape for the day before. I stumble out toward the kitchen spitting my nightguard into the bathroom as I pass and blindly grope for the coffee pot. In some households people go through the nightly ritual of making sure the house is locked up, cars put safely away, and people question each other to make sure everything is secure before they drift off. In my family however, the main question...well really the only question asked before people go to bed is..."Is the coffee ready for tomorrow?" Usually my first actual complete thought in the morning is a feeling of gratitude for this remarkable foresight. There is no sleepy grinding, pouring or! This is all done in the evening when the mind is sharp and focused, not left to the caffeine deprived state of Morning. It's a beautiful system.

My days now are passed in attacking what has become labeled "Moze's Mighty List" which is a wish list of sorts, compiled of everything large and small that could be accomplished on a 5 acre parcel of land. Most of the tasks are in the small range, although I suspect if my Dad was given access to it things like "Plant Vineyard and establish New Winery customer list" may surreptitiously appear on it. The thing about this list is that it's very sneaky indeed. It grows in the night! I wake up in the morning and peruse it only to find that the evening before (when I must have have fallen victim to too much sun...or wine...or both) I adventurously added new tasks willy nilly!! Clearly not taking into account the man with the big stick who MUST beat me in the night making me so sore upon waking. What's great however is the ability to look out at not a stack of signed and dated time cards as was the case a few weeks ago, but at actual progress- physical THINGS that have gotten done. Small...and really not that earth shattering tasks, but visible nonetheless (or at least untill the advancing Spring grows in and covers it all up...which probably happened during the time it took to write this blog). And being able to see great. Hopefully I'll have some pictures soon so YOU can see it too..but for now you'll have to trust me and that guy with the stick.

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